
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

By using the website, including web crawling, caching services, and any other provided services, you are acknowledging and accepting without reservation the terms of use described here.


The website hosts the European edition of the e-me Digital Educational Platform, known as “e-me European”. This version is multilingual, open to all, and available to a wide audience, including educators, students, parents, academics, institutions, and anyone interested in Europe or internationally.

In the European edition of e-me, anyone can create an account through a simple registration process. For this reason, users of the “e-me, European Edition” service are urged to exercise caution in the following situations:

  • When accepting friend requests from other users, especially those they do not personally know.
  • When accepting requests from other users to participate in Hives they manage.
  • During communication with other users (via personal messages, posts/comments in Hives, etc.).
  • If any user requests their personal information (full name, email, password, etc.).
  • When posting content, especially when sharing files, whether in their own file space or within a Hive.

Each user is permitted a single login account for the above service. Login credentials (i.e., username and password) must not be shared with third parties.

Legal Use

The use of the "e-me, European Edition" service must be exclusively for lawful purposes, in strict adherence to the terms outlined herein. Each user must refrain from engaging in actions or omissions that could disrupt its operation and negatively impact or jeopardize the provision of services to fellow users.

Users are expected to abstain from publishing material (text, images, photos, videos, wall posts, comments, etc.) that may be deemed illegal, threatening, harmful, slanderous, insulting, defamatory, offensive, pornographic, blasphemous, annoying, vulgar, or indecent. Users should also avoid posting any content that could constitute or encourage illegal or criminal behavior, violate the privacy of others, express racial, ethnic, or other forms of discrimination.

If users encounter such objectionable material, they are urged to promptly notify the administrators of the "e-me, European Edition" service. Administrators will then take requisite measures, including the removal of the offending content and the suspension of the user's account responsible for its posting.

Furthermore, in cases where user behavior or actions are reported by other users or come to the attention of administrators, and such behavior or actions contravene the rules governing the proper use of the "e-me, European Edition" service (e.g., engaging in threatening or offensive behavior towards other users, attempting deception, misusing storage space, creating fraudulent accounts, etc.), the user's account will be deactivated, and the posted material will be deleted without prior notice.

Terms for proper use of student Hives on "e-me, European Edition"

Each student is required to accept the following terms of use when creating a Hive within the "e-me, European Edition":

  • I have informed my parent/guardian or a school educator about the Hive I am creating.
  • The title and description of my Hive do not contain inappropriate, unsuitable, or offensive words.
  • I will not send invitations to join my Hive to individuals I do not know personally.
  • If I wish to send invitations to individuals I do not know personally, I will first consider whether the invitation may bother them. If in doubt, I will seek the consent of my parent/guardian or a school educator.
  • I will respect other members! I will not share on the Hive’s wall or in the Hive’s shared files any photos or videos with inappropriate or offensive content.
  • I am responsible for the Hive I create! Therefore:
    • I will regularly check the Hive’s shared files, wall posts, and comments for any offensive or inappropriate content.
    • If I come across posts or comments with offensive content, I will delete them immediately or politely request the member who made the post or comment to delete it.
    • If a member consistently offends other members, I will remove them, delete the material they uploaded to the Hive’s shared files, and delete comments from the Hive’s wall.
  • I will convey these rules of good behavior to the Hive members to ensure mutual respect.
  • I understand that if I fail to comply with one or more of the above rules or if my behavior offends other members, the service administrators may, after informing me first, deactivate my Hive, thereby denying me access.


CTI “DIOPHANTUS”, as the Implementing Body of the "e-me, European Edition" service, disclaims any liability regarding the limited duration, deletion, poor performance, or inability to electronically store any user data or personal page/service content.

Furthermore, the Organization does not guarantee that the operations of its servers will be uninterrupted or error-free, free from viruses, malicious software, or similar elements, despite every effort being made to ensure the proper functioning of its network.

The Organization provides the content (e.g., information, names, photos, illustrations, data, etc.) and services available through the website "AS IS." Under no circumstances shall the Organization be held responsible for any legal, civil, or criminal claims, or for any damages (positive, special, or consequential) incurred by the user of this website.

The website may contain references (links) to third-party websites solely for the user's information. Reference to links belonging to third-party websites does not imply endorsement of their opinions and actions or acceptance of the content they express, publish, or post. Third-party entities bear sole responsibility for the content of their websites or any damages that may result from their use when the user accesses them. By visiting third-party websites, the user departs from the website and is subject to the terms of use of those third-party websites.

Privacy Policy – Personal Data Processing

The "e-me, European Edition" service collects personal information such as the full name, email, and user role (student, educator) through Data Submission Forms, such as the Account Creation Form.

This data is exclusively used for statistical analysis and service enhancement purposes, and under no circumstances is it shared with third parties, be they natural or legal entities, except in compliance with relevant legal provisions and solely with competent authorities.

The website may also collect non-personal user identification data using corresponding technologies, such as cookies and/or Internet Protocol (IP) tracking. Cookies are small text files stored on the hard drive of each visitor/user's computer and do not gain knowledge of any document or file from their computer. They are employed to streamline visitors/users' access to specific services or pages of the service, for statistical reasons, and to determine which areas are useful or popular. Additionally, this information may encompass details like the visitor/user's browser type, computer model, operating system, network service providers, and other similar data.

For the above data, CTI "DIOPHANTUS" acts as the Data Controller, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and its policy published on is in effect.

Policy for reporting and removal of illegally posted content

If a copyright holder identifies material on the website that has been unlawfully published and is not covered by any restrictions or exceptions under European copyright law, and for which no relevant license has been granted, the aforementioned copyright holder is kindly requested to communicate in writing with the Organization via email at, providing the following:

  • Their contact information
  • Complete bibliographic data or, if unavailable, reference data for the material
  • The URL where the material has been identified
  • Information confirming their status as the copyright holder or their legal representative

Upon receipt of the report, the process of warning and withdrawing illegally posted content is initiated as follows:

  • i. The Organization confirms via email that they have received the report and makes an initial assessment of its validity and credibility.
  • ii. Upon receiving a valid report, the material is temporarily withdrawn from the Organization's website/service until a consensual resolution is reached.
  • iii. The complainant and the Organization, or any other natural/legal entity that has submitted the material, are required to jointly resolve the complaint within a short timeframe by adopting one of the following solutions:
    • a. Republishing the material in its original form.
    • b. Republishing the material with modifications.
    • c. Permanently removing the material from the website.
  • iv. If the Organization and the complainant fail to reach a mutually acceptable resolution, the material remains inaccessible until an agreement is reached on the matter.

Jurisdiction, validity and modifications

The terms and conditions of use of the website are governed and supplemented by Greek and European law, as well as the relevant international treaties. Greek courts are designated as the courts of resolution for any disputes arising from this. Any provision of the above terms found to conflict with the aforementioned legal framework or becomes invalid ceases to be in effect and is removed from this, without affecting the validity of the other terms.

The terms and conditions of use of this website constitute the overall agreement between the Organization and the user/visitor of the websites and services and bind only them. No modification of these terms of use shall be considered and shall not form part of this agreement unless it is expressly expressed in writing and incorporated into these terms of use. Unless otherwise specified, by announcement on the organization's website, the above terms of use are immediately in effect in their entirety.

The Organization unilaterally reserves the right to modify, add, alter the content or services of the website, as well as the terms of use thereof, whenever it deems it necessary.


CTI "DIOPHANTUS", as the implementing body of the "e-me, European Edition" service, provides support to its users through the following three methods:

  • via email at the address
  • through a special form available after logging into the service (Comments/Support)
  • specifically, for GDPR issues, via email at the address


skaitmeninė švietimo platforma
(europinis leidimas)







Kas yra e-me?

e-me yra bendradarbiaujanti, socialinė ir plečiama skaitmeninė švietimo platforma, skaitmeninė darbo ir bendradarbiavimo erdvė mokiniams ir mokytojams.

e-me yra asmeninė mokymosi aplinka, kuri palaiko:

  • privačių ir viešųjų bendradarbiavimo erdvės (hives) kūrimas mokytojams ir mokiniams,
  • bendravimas ir socialinis tinklas tarp mokinių ir mokytojų,
  • organizavimas, saugojimas ir keitimasis failais debesyje,
  • lengvas skaitmeninių interaktyvių edukacinių objektų kūrimas,
  • užduočių paskyrimas ir stebėjimas,
  • e-portfolio kūrimas pasirinktiems asmeniniams pasiekimams saugoti,
  • darbų rodymas bendraujant per asmeninius tinklaraščius,
  • atvirų edukacinių išteklių naudojimas iš skaitmeninių saugyklų,
  • ir toliau teikia skaitmeninius „įrankius“ mokymui(si) palaikyti e-me buvo inicijuota Graikijoje. Ją sukūrė „CTI DIOPHANTUS“, Graikijos švietimo ir religijos reikalų ministerijos (EM) techninė įstaiga. E-me yra viena iš dviejų oficialių platformų, kurias Graikijos švietimo ministerija teikia visoms mokykloms, kaip nacionalinę asinchroninio mokymosi platformą. Graikijoje e-me galima naudoti dviem leidimais: oficialia e-me (, kuri yra uždara sistema, teikiama tik mokytojams ir mokiniams, naudojant savo mokyklos paskyras, ir leidimą „e-me for all“ (, kuris yra atviras ir nemokamas visiems prisiregistravusiems. Dabartinis e-me diegimas ( ) yra Europos leidimas „e-me for all“. Europos e-me leidimas yra atviras ir nemokamas visiems, besidomintiems Europa, mokykloms, mokytojams, mokiniams, tėvams, akademikams, institucijoms ir kt. Jis buvo pritaikytas atsižvelgiant į PAFSE projektas (Partnerships For Science Education). Europinis e-me leidimas plečia skaitmeninės švietimo platformos e-me naudojimą Europoje.


  • Profilis

    Pasirinkite savo profilį

  • Kontaktai

    Tvarkykite savo kontaktus (ieškokite pridėti ir pan.)

  • Hives

    Sukurkite bendradarbiavimo erdves (Hives). Bendraukite Hives žinutėmis, dalinantis įrašais ir komentarais

  • e-me assignments

    Kurkite ir priskirkite užduotis Hive nariams

  • e-me blogs

    Kurkite asmeninius ir Hive tinklaraščius

  • e-me content

    Kurti interaktyvius mokymosi objektus ir edukacinius išteklius

  • Failai

    Jūsų asmeninių failų saugykla debesyje

  • e-me Library

    Host reference material of the hive and make it available to its members

  • e-me lessons

    Create and manage digital lessons

  • e-me forums

    Create and manage forums

  • e-portfolio

    Dalintis mokinių ir mokytojų pasiekimais

  • Κomunikacija

    Skambinkite vaizdo skambučiais ir siųskite asmenines žinutes savo kontaktams.

  • e-me bookmarks

    Sukurkite savo asmeninę mėgstamiausių svetainių žymių kolekciją

  • e-me notes

    Sukurkite savo asmeninę užrašų knygelę ir bendrinkite užrašus su savo kontaktais bei hives

  • e-me draw

    Sukurkite diagramas

  • e-me LAMS

    Create learning designs with sequences of learning activities

  • whiteboard label

    whiteboard description

  • e-me mindmaps

    Sukurkite minčių žemėlapius

  • Kalendorių

    Kurkite ir bendrinkite savo kalendorių (-ius), kad galėtumėte planuoti darbus

  • Pranešimai

    Gaukite pranešimus šalies laiku iš Hives vartotojų ir programų

  • e-me store

    Įdiekite programas, kad išplėstumėte e-me funkcijas

Galite naudoti e-me:

  • redaguoti savo viešumąprofilis, ty jūsų tapatybė skaitmeninėje e-me aplinkoje,
  • suasmenintijūsų darbo erdvės ir platformos išvaizdos nustatymus,
  • susikurkite savo socialinį tinklą, kai ieškosite ir pridėsite prie savo "kontaktai", Kiti el. pašto vartotojai, ty klasės draugai, mokytojai, kolegos, partneriai, draugai,
  • bendrauti su savo kontaktais per tekstinius pranešimus(pokalbis) arba vaizdo skambučiai irgarso skambučiai
  • sukurti savo hives, viešas ar privačias, ty savo bendradarbiavimo ir bendradarbiavimo erdves. Pakviesti nariai koreguoti kiekvieno avilio ir bendrinamų failų erdvių bendradarbiavimo erdvę, integruoti bendradarbiavimo programas ir kt.
  • dalyvauti kitų narių aviliuose, kai priimsite jų kvietimus arba išsiųsite jiems prašymus dalyvauti, sekiteviešieji aviliai jus dominančiomis temomis,
  • bendrauti su visais avilio nariais paskelbdamiavilio siena, savo idėjas, mintis, pranešimus arba komentuodami kitus įrašus,
  • per hive sieną, naudojant daugybę jo funkcijų tekstų rengyklę,
  • kurti, valdyti irpristatyti užduotis mokiniams, pateikti atsakymus,Atsiliepimas, vertinimas ir komentarai bei bendra užduočių darbo eigos stebėjimas,
  • lengvai susikurkite savo interaktyvius mokymosi objektus (H5P), pvz., interaktyvūs vaizdo įrašai ar kursų pristatymai, viktorinos, atminties žaidimai ir dalinimasis jais su nariais per hive sienas, užduotis arba e-me blogs,
  • įkelkite, išsaugokite ir tvarkykite savo failus asmeninėje debesies saugojimo vietoje e-me, dalinkitės failais su kontaktais arba hives. Jei norite, sinchronizuokite juos su asmeniniu kompiuteriu arba mobiliuoju įrenginiu.
  • naudokite bendradarbiavimui tekstinius failus, kuriuos leidžia keliems vartotojams vienu metu rašyti ir redaguoti tekstą,
  • sukurkite ir išlaikykite savo e-portfolio asmeninį skaitmeninį aplanką, rinkdami, dokumentuodami ir rodydami pasirinktas reprezentacines užduotis ir užduočių pasiekimus,
  • Naudokite savoasmeninis e-me dienoraštis , jau iš anksto įdiegta jūsų darbo srityje, kad galėtumėte paskelbti, rodyti savo darbą ir (arba) suaktyvintibendradarbiavimo avilio tinklaraštis, kad visi nariai galėtų skelbti ir demonstruoti komandos darbą,
  • sukurti savo asmeninę kolekciją žymes (url) jūsų mėgstamoms svetainėms,
  • sukurti savo asmeninis sąsiuvinis kad galėtumėte rašyti, tvarkyti, išsaugoti ir bendrinti savo pastabas su savo kontaktais ar avilio nariais,
  • kurti ir vykdyti avilio narių apklausas,
  • sukurti savo klasės planą, kuris imituoja mokyklos klasę ir pateikia stalų bei mokinių išdėstymą klasėje,
  • įdiekite e-me arba pašalinkite, visas galimas programas (e-me programas), siūlomas e-me store

Naudojimo instrukcijos

Naujienos ir pranešimai

Susisiekite su e-me valdymo komanda

Dr. Elina Megalou
„Strategijos ir skaitmeninio švietimo turinio“ direktorato direktorė
e-me generalinė direktorė
El. paštas:

Dimitris Giakoumakis
e-me Technical Manager

e-me vartotojo pagalba

Kompiuterinių technologijų institutas ir spauda „Diophantus“ (CTI)

Strategijos ir skaitmeninio švietimo turinio direktoratas
Mitropoleos g. 26-28, GR-10563, Atėnai, Graikija

Kilus bet kokiems klausimams, susijusiems su e-me naudojimu arba iškilus problemoms, susijusioms su e-me veikimu, susisiekite su e-me pagalbos (bendravimas anglų kalba) tarnyba taip:

  • siųskite el. laišką adresu ir, jei neįmanoma,
  • susisiekite e-me Pagalbos tarnyba paskambinus šiuo telefono numeriu, pagalbos valandomis/dienomis:
    • +30210 3350748 (P-Pn., 10:00-15:00)